Painting of elevator shaft-ways
A true profession knows it is the small things that make the difference. There are many people who can build a residential elevator shaft-way. However, a professional not only will make sure things are plumb, straight and structurally sound, he will think about it with the end in mind.
In most cases the end of the job is the paint. No one can see the great job you did cutting the studs they can only see the paint. So let’s talk about the best way to paint a home elevator shaft - you will see parts of it. The part you see is around the doors. When the doors are open you see the drywall around the edges. You may have never noticed this before because you are focused getting in a out of the elevator and not on the edges of the door. The other reason you don’t see it is that many times the drywall is painted flat black. Flat black paint stops the light from reflecting back at you and your eyes don’t focus on it. Next time you get in a commercial elevator look to the side opposite where the door stacks and see what I mean.
It is our recommendation that the walls of the shaft with the doors on them be painted flat black. I also think it is good to paint the corner of the adjacent wall one roller wide. The rest of the shaft-way you will not see unless you have glass in the cab. If you have window in the shaft-way that allows light in, you should really make sure the area around the doors are clean and neat because you will see this area. This may seem like a small thing, but it really makes a difference.