Value Promise
The ability to customize products is time consuming, but essential if you are going to be successful in the lift and elevator business! Back in April 2015, All-Ways Accessible bid on a wheelchair lift for a school in Vermont. It took a lot of work just to bid the job because it was going to have to be a custom enclosure unit to fit in the space they had available. After a few weeks we followed up with the person at the school and were told that our bid was about 6% too high. We politely said thank you for the opportunity and moved on.
Last week we received a call from the school district. The low bidder cannot customize the product to make his wheelchair lift work. He had to tell the school district he cannot do the job.
The school district asked if we can still do the wheelchair lift, we said sure. The only problem now is that this job doesn't have enough lead time to be ready for summer school or maybe even the start of the new school year.
As we consistently say, “It’s not about the initial price, it’s about the final price and value”. We thrive on doing what others can’t!!!